Skin cancer surgery
Specialist in Skin Surgery, I can practice Surgery for various reasons:
- Tumor Ablation
- Removal of lymph nodes
- Repair or reconstruction of the region affected by cancer
- Treatment of pain and symptom relief (palliative care)
Pictures before - after:
The interventions that treat a malignant skin tumor other than melanoma can be listed in the Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgical branch.
What are the lesions repaired by the skin graft?
The operation of skin grafting is recommended when a portion of the skin tissue is removed because of cancer.
Its principle is based on the withdrawal of a graft (donor area) to implant it on the region where the tumor has been removed.
This aesthetic act is usually done during surgery to remove the cancer.
Donor areas are usually the inner side of the thighs or arms, buttocks, etc.
The skin graft requires about 2 weeks in order to heal.
Skin grafting
The operation of skin grafting is recommended when a portion of the skin tissue is removed because of cancer. Its principle is based on the withdrawal of a graft (donor area) to implant it on the region where the tumor has been removed. This aesthetic act is usually done during surgery to remove the cancer. Donor areas are usually the inner side of the thighs or arms, buttocks, etc. The skin graft requires about 2 weeks in order to heal.
There are several tumors that affect the skin and require treatment with chemotherapy or surgery.
The most common are basal cell epithelioma and melanoma which is considered the most severe cancer. There is also another type of lesion: spino-cellular epithelioma, which is less common, but as dangerous as melanoma.
We can also mention the squamous cell carcinoma, which is one of the most known skin cancer and which develops in the individuals who have been exposed to the sun for a long time.
Besides these malignant diseases, we must also mention the actinic keratosis which can be treated with medicines.
What are the risks of Skin Cancer Surgery?
This particular surgical technique is the reference technique for repairing areas of the face after treatment for cancer. In fact, the local flaps of the face are extremely reliable and allow the various affected areas to be repaired while leaving very few scars. Thus skin cancers in the nose, ears, cheeks, eyelids, forehead, or even the neck can benefit from extremely reliable and aesthetic repair techniques which are the local flaps. This surgery is performed under sedation or simple local anesthesia. The suites are very simple most of the time
What are the risks of skin cancer surgery?
The main risks of such surgery are infection, hematoma and skin necrosis. The risk of poor healing is particularly important to remember when the patient does not scrupulously follow the postoperative instructions. If the patient is on anticoagulants or aspirin, it will probably be necessary to stop treatment a few days before the intervention to limit the risk of bleeding.